Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Fall equinox labyrinth walk

Come and walk the labyrinth to commemorate the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere on this sacred day of equilibrium. You will reflect on balance in your life: yin/yang, light/dark, and feminine/masculine; as you prepare yourself to retreat into the darkness of winter in this next spiral of time.

The walk will be followed with a transmutation ceremony, so consider what undesirable personal characteristics, habits and beliefs you want transmuted and what you want them to transform into – for instance, anger into calmness, control into free flow, emotional pain into love.

When:                                    21 March 2012
Time:                                      09h30 – 12h30
Where:                                   Rustenberg Wine Farm, Stellenbosch
Bring:                                      A crystal or a stone.  
Cost:                                      R200
Directions:                            Phone Terry de Vries at 082 442 5623